mysql> select count(*) from trade;
| count(*) |
|   195682 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from trade where o_status="배송완료" and date_format(reg_date,'%Y-%m-%d') > date_format(date_add(now(), interval -1 year), '%Y-%m-%d');
| count(*) |
|    55525 |
1 row in set (1.31 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from trade where o_status="배송완료" and reg_date between '2009-02-23 00:00:00' and '2010-02-23 23:59:59';
| count(*) |
|    55695 |
1 row in set (1.09 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from trade where o_status="배송완료" and date_format(reg_date,'%Y-%m-%d') > date_format(date_add(now(), interval -1 month), '%Y-%m-%d');
| count(*) |
|     4114 |
1 row in set (1.30 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from trade where o_status="배송완료" and reg_date between '2010-01-24 00:00:00' and '2010-02-23 23:59:59';
| count(*) |
|     4116 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from trade where o_status="배송완료" and date_format(reg_date,'%Y-%m-%d') > date_format(date_add(now(), interval -1 week), '%Y-%m-%d');
| count(*) |
|      911 |
1 row in set (1.31 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from trade where o_status="배송완료" and reg_date between '2010-02-17 00:00:00' and '2010-02-23 23:59:59';
| count(*) |
|      911 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from trade where o_status="배송완료" and date_format(reg_date,'%Y-%m-%d') > date_format(date_add(now(), interval -1 day), '%Y-%m-%d');
| count(*) |
|        9 |
1 row in set (1.31 sec)

mysql> select count(*) from trade where o_status="배송완료" and reg_date between '2010-02-23 00:00:00' and '2010-02-23 23:59:59';
| count(*) |
|        9 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



내부적으로 test 해볼결과 값이다~


interval 보다는 between이 시간이 많이 절약되는듯 하다~~


 참고해서 처리 하시길 바랍니다.